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 Shamanic Reiki Healing can help with energy levels, positivity and balance. Let us stay positive and look after our well-being and state of mind


Hi, I’m Kirsty

Qualified Shamanic Reiki Practitioner

I am a Reiki Healer and Holistic Therapist located in Bourne End, Buckinghamshire. I have followed the arts of self-healing and been part of a Medicine Circle with other wonderful Reiki Healers...

Introducing Shamanic Reiki

Assisting natural healing

Shamanic Reiki uses Universal Life Force Energy and Nature Spirit Energy to bring light back into our bodies energetic system. A holistic therapy referred to as Energy Healing which can be given and received equally effectively hands-on, off or via distant healing...

The Benefits of Shamanic Reiki

Assisting natural healing

A Shamanic Reiki treatment increases the body's natural ability to heal. It increases vitality and energy, body functions, mind, emotions, essence and aura. Reiki releases blocked energy, promotes relaxation and reduces stress, chronic fatigue, fears, phobias and addictions.  


“Being in Kirsty’s presence is calming and healing on its own. The first time I experienced her healing was a truly peaceful time. I felt fully energised after such a beautiful deep cleansing on both physical and soulful levels, clear in heart and mind. I have also had healing from Kirsty remotely and felt just as calm and peaceful during the session, I could feel her energies working just as powerful as if I was with her, one to one. Kirsty was able to relay to me, post-session, the places within my body that needed healing and I was astounded at how I felt those areas heated by her cleansing energies. I have had many sessions of Reiki through multiple practitioners in the past and Kirsty has been the most calming and peaceful experience.

Mal Roberts


The Seven


Promoting perfect balance

The 7 chakras are the main energy centres of our body with the importance for balance and health.  Chakra is an old Sanskrit word that means wheel, like wheels of free-flowing positive energy...


Get in Touch


 +44 7815 137766


1 Rothsay Villas 

Cores End Road, Bourne End, Wooburn Green, Bucks.

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Kirsty Birch is a UK Reiki 
Federation Member

If you are familiar with Shamanic Reiki Healing or are intrigued, please get in touch to discuss or book a healing treatment.

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