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Covid Procedures

Some simple protocols to ensure both of our safety and health following the Coronavirus outbreak.

Please see the following guidelines and practices for your treatment, all of which I am happy to discuss in advance should you have any questions

  • Please bring a bottle of water to help ground yourself after the treatment as I am unable to supply water at this time.

  • The gate will be open on your arrival and closed behind you.

  • A hand sanitiser will be available for your use.

  • I use essential oils on my hands before I work which I will apply after using the hand sanitiser.

  • You will be invited to sign a disclaimer each time you have a treatment.

  • I will take my temperature every day before starting work and notify clients of any concerns and cancellation of appointments should it be necessary. Appointments will be rearranged following a 14 day quarantine period.

  • Your belongings (coats, handbags etc) will be placed in a box, which will be sanitised in between clients.

  • I would kindly ask that you observe good time keeping in order to allow me time (15mins between clients) to clean and sanitise my couch and treatment room after each client.

  • Unless a chaperone is needed for a client under the age of 16 please do not bring anyone with you. Only one parent per child is permitted and no other siblings. If a carer or other person is needed for support then please let me know in advance.

Please do not attend if:

  • You have been advised to self-isolate for any reason

  • Have symptoms such a shortness of breath, a fever, or a continuous cough

  • If someone you live with has symptoms you need to stay at home for 14 days from the day the first person in the home started showing symptoms

Thank you for your support and understanding during this time…

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 +44 7815 137766


1 Rothsay Villas 

Cores End Road, Bourne End, Wooburn Green, Bucks.

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Kirsty Birch is a UK Reiki 
Federation Member

If you are familiar with Shamanic Reiki Healing or are intrigued, please get in touch to discuss or book a healing treatment.

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